
Our Anti-Smoking Centers in Belgium to Quit Smoking

Say no to cigarettes! Rid yourself of your addiction with our Reset Laser smoking cessation method. You will find an anti-smoking center near you.

Book an Appointment at a Reset Laser Anti-Smoking Center

Our auricular reflexology treatment allows you to quit smoking instantly in one one-hour session, without nicotine substitutes and without side effects! Book an appointment at one of our anti-smoking centers in Belgium and free yourself from your nicotine addiction. Find the center closest to you!

      Smoking in Belgium: A Real Scourge

      Belgians and Their Addiction to Cigarettes

      1 in 5 Belgians smokes.

      Belgium has approximately 2 million smokers and 15% of Belgians smoke daily. These smokers can no longer do without cigarettes. It is the nicotine inside that makes them so addictive causing this irresistible urge to smoke.

      Indeed, it leads to a release of dopamine which makes the smoker feel relaxed. They end up getting used to it, which creates a habit. They increase their consumption to compensate for the lack of dopamine. It is estimated that 4.7% of smokers smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day!

      The Consequences of Smoking on Belgians’ Health

      Tobacco kills 20,000 Belgians per year, or 55 per day.

      Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in Belgium. Many diseases are caused by smoking: cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, cancers, etc.

      1. 300,000 Belgians suffer from a tobacco-related disease
      2. 1 in 7 deaths is attributable to diseases caused by smoking
      3. 30% of cancer deaths are attributable to it.

      Quitting Smoking: A Difficult Step

      62% of smokers want to quit smoking.

      Among those Belgians who want to quit smoking, only 21% succeed within the following six months. This result is not surprising! Quitting is a real challenge, especially without proper support. Even though nicotine substitutes exist, they are not always sufficient and maintain a form of addiction.

      Moreover, quitting smoking causes unpleasant symptoms, such as cravings, stress, irritability, nausea, weight gain, etc. These negative effects often lead people to smoke again…

      Why Quit Smoking?

      Preserve Your Health

      Quitting smoking significantly reduces the risk of developing certain diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular or respiratory diseases. You get your breath back, you are less tired, and you feel in better shape.

      Improve Your Quality of Life

      By quitting smoking for good, you are free. You are no longer dependent. Your well-being improves as does your quality of life. You feel in a better mood, less stressed, and less anxious.

      Save Money

      The price of cigarettes keeps increasing. Today, a pack costs an average of 10 euros. If you are no longer dependent on them, you can save some serious money!

      Laser Auricular Reflexology for Smokers

      In our anti-smoking centers, we use auricular reflexology. This treatment involves stimulating trigger points on the ear with a soft laser to eliminate your physical dependence on nicotine.

      sevrage-tabac-laser tournai

      The Advantages of Our Treatment

      Specialized Practitioners

      The practitioners working in our centers are all addiction specialists. They are well-versed in the technique of auricular reflexology and use a professional laser device.

      No Symptoms

      Our method causes no physical symptoms. Quitting smoking is done without stress, without cravings, and without weight gain.

      Quick and Effective

      You are freed from your addiction in one one-hour session.

      Painless and Non-Invasive

      Auricular reflexology is a 100% natural therapy with no contraindications. It poses no health risks, is non-invasive, and painless.

      Our Clients Recommend Us