
Reset Laser Against Your Alcohol Addiction

Do you regularly consume alcohol and find it difficult to rid yourself of this addiction? Have all your attempts to quit drinking failed to have the desired effect? With our Reset Laser method, say goodbye to your alcoholism once and for all in just one session of laser auriculotherapy.


Our Alcohol Withdrawal Method

Alcohol, just like tobacco, drugs, or sugar, is a powerful addictive substance. Excessive consumption over a long period causes a dependency that is difficult to overcome without support. Our Reset Laser method of laser auriculotherapy is an effective treatment that assists you in your alcohol withdrawal.

During a session at one of our centers, we detect the points on the ear related to your alcohol addiction. We then use our professional laser to disconnect the synapses that trigger cravings and drive you to consume. By the end of the session, your physical need to drink alcohol disappears. You are no longer tempted to consume: the cessation is immediate.

Why Trust the Reset Laser Method?

Quick, Effective, and Affordable Withdrawal

We understand how difficult it is for dependent individuals to completely stop consuming alcohol. Our laser treatment has the advantage of eliminating your physical cravings in just one session of about an hour. You only pay for one session and you directly see the expected results.

Personalized Support

After a session with Reset Laser, your new life without addiction begins. We provide you with advice to start this phase calmly, such as immediately stopping your alcohol consumption after the treatment, staying well-hydrated, or changing your old habits to avoid temptations. We also conduct a phone follow-up to stay by your side after your session and boost your motivation if needed.

1-Year Guarantee in Case of Relapse

Even though you no longer feel a physical need thanks to Reset Laser, many situations related to your habits might tempt you to break your abstinence. Although we advise avoiding any risk, you might slip back into old habits if you’re not careful. Therefore, we guarantee a free session in case of relapse within the year following your first session.

Our Withdrawal Centers in Belgium

Do you want to stop drinking alcohol? Book an appointment at one of our specialized withdrawal centers in Belgium. Our team of professionals is at your service to help you break free from your dependency.

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Withdrawal Without Cravings with Reset Laser

With our laser auriculotherapy treatment, your physical dependency disappears. As a result, the side effects related to the need to compensate for the lack of alcohol are alleviated, such as snacking or feeling irritable. Moreover, our treatment is completely painless and not dangerous to your health.

Why Quit Drinking Alcohol with Reset Laser?

Treating your alcoholism with our laser auriculotherapy treatment is beneficial for your physical health, mental well-being, and social relationships.

Physical Benefits

Quitting alcohol means taking control of your body and avoiding serious health problems in the future. Indeed, alcohol is toxic to the body, and excessive consumption can lead to numerous harmful effects, such as liver diseases, brain damage, cancers, or cardiovascular disorders. Additionally, alcohol is the cause of many accidents on public roads.

Mental Benefits

By eliminating your alcohol addiction, you regain a normal mental and psychological state. Besides the feeling of disinhibition, excessive alcohol consumption causes feelings of depression, memory and sleep disturbances, and aggressiveness.

Social Benefits

Stopping all alcohol consumption also has advantages for your social relationships. A person under the influence of alcohol becomes aggressive, which can lead to verbal and physical violence, posing not only a risk to the physical health of the alcoholic and those around them but also a risk of significant tensions with loved ones. Additionally, alcoholism generally leads to social isolation, problems with loved ones (partner, family, friends), and at work.

Take Back Control of Your Life and Health Now with Reset Laser