
Our Anti-Smoking Centers in France to Quit Smoking

In France, smoking is a true public health scourge. Our Reset Laser method, a smoking cessation method through auricular reflexology with laser, is a quick and effective solution to combat this tobacco addiction.

Quit Smoking with Reset Laser. Book an Appointment.

Nicotine substitutes, medication, electronic cigarettes… All these replacement treatments keep you dependent on nicotine.

Reset Laser offers you an effective and natural cessation method to quit smoking instantly without substitute products. Book an appointment at the nearest Reset Laser anti-smoking center and say no to cigarettes.

      Quitting Smoking: A Complex Challenge for the French

      Nicotine is a Highly Addictive Substance

      France has about 12 million daily smokers.

      Many French people can no longer do without cigarettes. The culprit of this addiction is nicotine, a substance present in tobacco that causes physical and psychological dependence. As they smoke more cigarettes, smokers develop a tolerance to nicotine and increase their consumption to avoid withdrawal symptoms. This vicious circle leads to an addiction that is difficult to overcome.

      Tobacco Harms Your Health

      75,000 deaths per year are caused by smoking, which is 200 per day.

      In France, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Composed of more than 4,000 toxic substances, cigarettes increase the risk of developing cancers and diabetes, and cause cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases.

      1. 20% of cancers are caused by tobacco.
      2. 80% of heart attack victims under 45 smoke.
      3. 85% of COPD cases occur in smokers or former smokers.

      Quitting Smoking is Difficult to Overcome Without Help

      6 out of 10 daily smokers want to quit smoking.

      Most smokers are aware of the harmful effects of cigarettes on their health. However, quitting smoking is difficult and often doomed to failure without help or support. Indeed, quitting smoking causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that drive smokers back into their addiction: anxiety, hunger, nausea, cough, cravings, etc.

      The Benefits of Quitting Smoking with Reset Laser

      Quitting smoking with Reset Laser has many advantages for your body, mind, and budget.

      Improvement in Physical Health

      You reduce the risk of developing diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, etc. Your complexion is brighter. You get your breath back. You feel better in your body and increase your life expectancy.

      Increased Well-Being

      Without your addiction, you feel free. As a former smoker, you have less daily stress and anxiety. Your concentration improves, and you are in a better mood.

      Control over Your Budget

      A pack of 20 cigarettes sells for around 11 euros. You can now save that money for other activities. You avoid additional costs related to future health problems and for ineffective cessation methods.

      Discover How Reset Laser Works

      In our anti-smoking centers, we use auricular reflexology with laser, a natural and painless therapy, to eliminate your addiction. With a gentle laser, we stimulate strategic trigger points on the ear related to your dependency. The physical symptoms of stopping smoking disappear instantly. Quitting smoking is immediate.

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      Why Choose the Reset Laser Method to Quit Smoking?

      Effective in a Single Session

      In one single one-hour session, you are freed from your physical nicotine addiction. Our center has a success rate of 86% after one session.

      No Side Effects

      You quit smoking without experiencing physical side effects: no stress, no compensation for quitting smoking, no weight gain.

      A Natural and Risk-Free Treatment

      Our treatment requires no medication or nicotine substitutes, is non-invasive, and causes no pain.

      1-Year Guarantee

      The craving disappears, but it can sometimes be difficult to get rid of smoking habits. In case of relapse, our treatment is guaranteed for 1 year.


      Practitioners at Reset Laser anti-smoking centers are all trained in addictions and auricular reflexology with laser. We use a CE-certified professional laser machine.

      Our Patients Recommend Us